Monday, 8 June 2015

What do you mean by "Teachers' Development"? Add your opinion if you wish to!

Teachers' development.
  There are a lot of definitions that approach the meaning of teachers' development from different perspectives.  Some of them are presented bellow.
  Porter and Henderson (Karagiannes G., 2005, p.38) give a sweeping definition.  They mention that development is the summation of activities and measures which are adopted and applied with exclusive and primary aim to develop the academic or practical and personal or professional knowledge, skills, interests and abilities of teachers during their service.
  Another definition that connects development with the every day teaching is given by Maurogiorgos (Karagiannes G., 2005, p.39).  He mentions that development must have as a primary and basic aim the scientific support of teachers, in order to be in position to make reasonable and conscious choices, after they have examined the starting points, the aims and implications of their educational act, as to the material and ideological terms of their school and society.
  Hargreaves (Karampiny P., 2005, p.139) gives emphasis to the personal development, saying that development is a continuous and repeated procedure, organized systematically, which is placed among life long learning and adult education, and creates favorable terms for professional and personal development of the teachers.
  Grossman (Phocialy P., 2005, p.132) gives emphasis in procedures that lead to professional development, through which teachers must develop ideas and visions that have to do with school culture, professionalism and the awareness of their social part.
  Finally, what does development means and to what does it aim? Summarizing, someone may say that teachers' development, either the organized one or the one that is leaned in experience or self development or the informal development through the exchange of experiences, is a procedure that is placed among lifelong teachers' education and aims at their personal development and by extension to their professional development.
  The teacher is a distinctive personality that demands, within the frameworks of his job, to be heard, trusted, respected, looked up to, watched out and encouraged (John Mac Beath, 2005, p.36).  Through teachers' development a lot of these could be achieved.

Greek References (in Greek)

Καραγιάννης Γ., Στάγια Π., Τσιρίκου Μ., (2005), «Η συμβολή της επιμόρφωσης στην αποσαφήνιση και τον επαναπροσδιορισμό του ‘ρόλου’ του εκπαιδευτικού», Σύγχρονη Εκπαίδευση, τεύχος 141, σ.38-52.
Καραμπίνη Π., Ψίλου Ε., (2005) «Επιμόρφωση και επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη των εκπαιδευτικών της Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα: Εμπειρική έρευνα και συμπεράσματα», στο Μπαγάκης Γ., (2005) Επιμόρφωση και επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη του εκπαιδευτικού, Μέρος 1Β, ΜΕΤΑΙΧΜΙΟ, Αθήνα.
Κρουσταλάκης Γ.Σ., (1998) Διαπαιδαγώγηση, πορεία ζωής, Γ’ έκδοση, Αθήνα, εκδόσεις ΨΠ1 Φιλοσοφική Σχολή Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.
Μαυρογιώργος Γ., (1999) «Επιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτικών και επιμορφωτική πολιτική στην Ελλάδα», στο Αθανασούλα-Ρέππα Α., Ανθοπούλου Σ., Μαυρογιώργος Γ., Κατσουλάκης Σ., (1999) Διοίκηση Εκπαιδευτικών Μονάδων, 2ο κεφάλαιο, Τόμος Β’, ΕΑΠ, ΠΑΤΡΑ.
Φωκιάλη Π., Κουρουτσίδου Μ., Λέφας Ε., (2005) «Ζήτηση για επιμόρφωση: Οι συνιστώσες της επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης των εκπαιδευτικών», στο Μπαγάκης Γ., (2005) Επιμόρφωση και επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη του εκπαιδευτικού, Μέρος 1Β, ΜΕΤΑΙΧΜΙΟ, Αθήνα.
Day Christopher, (2003) Η εξέλιξη των εκπαιδευτικών – Οι προκλήσεις της δια βίου μάθησης, Tυποθήτω, Αθήνα.
HAEF (2004-2008), "ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ", περιοδική έκδοση του Ελληνοαμερικανικού Εκπαιδευτικού Ιδρύματος, issues 55, 56, 57, 59 & 62, Athens.
Javeau Claude, (2000) H έρευνα με ερωτηματολόγιο. Το Εγχειρίδιο του Καλού Ερευνητή, Τυπωθήτω, Αθήνα.
John MacBeath, (2005) «Μπορούν να μάθουν οι εκπαιδευτικοί», στο Μπαγάκης Γ., (2005) Επιμόρφωση και επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη του εκπαιδευτικού, Μέρος 1Α, ΜΕΤΑΙΧΜΙΟ, Αθήνα.

English References

Earley P., Bubb S., (2005), Leading and Managing Continuing Professional Development: developing people developing schools, Paul Chapman Publishing, London.
ERIC (2009)
[Last accessed 01 February 2009].
Huberman M., (1989), "The Professional Life Cycle of Teachers", Teachers College Record, 91 (1), Fall, Columbia University.
Kelchtermans G., (1993), "Getting the story, understanding the lives: From career stories to teachers’
Professional Development", Teaching and Teacher Education, 9 (5/6) 443-456, Great Britain.
NFER (2009)
[Last accessed 15 January 2009].
School zone resources-educational intelligence (2009)
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School zone resources-educational intelligence (2009)
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Wiliam D., Lee C., Harrison C. and Black P., (2004), "Teachers developing assessments for learning: impact on student achievement", Assessment in Education:  Principles, Policy & Practice, 11 (1) 49-65

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